Wednesday, 26 October 2016

3D Shapes Revision

For your 3D shape test the following videos and links are useful to use for your revision. Remember to revision maths you need to do maths. 

Volume of Prisms
Worksheet Video  

Volume of Cylinders
Worksheet Video

Volume of Spheres and Cones 
Cone worksheet video
Pyramid worksheet video 
Sphere worksheet  video 

Surface Area 
L Shaped prism worksheet video 
Cylinder worksheet video 
Cone worksheet video 

GCSE FM- Lesson 1- Matrix Multiplication

Today we looked at matrix multiplication. Here is the power point we used during the lesson and a useful video.


Below is the homework which you need to complete in your exercise books for the next session.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Year 10- Flipped Learning homework- Due w/c 31/10/2016

Your homework this week is to learn at home a topic ready for the lesson. You need to make notes on the following topic and copy any useful examples. If you have lost your sheet it can be downloaded from here.

Scroll down to the correct class and watch the video for that class. 

10k1 and 10m3- Dr Dennis- Congruence and Similarity

10k3- Mr French-Gray/Miss Green- Averages

10m1, 10j3, 10k2- Miss Greenhill- Bearings 

10j1 and 10m2- Mr Howe- Angles in Polygons 

10j2- Mr Hardy 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Year 11 Homework- Data due w/c 24/10/2016

Your homework task this week is to revise data topics. You need to watch the videos carefully, make notes and copy down any examples. When complete you must answer this quiz. 

Foundation- Pie Charts

You need to be able to draw a pie chart and read information from a pie chart. Watch both videos, make notes and work through the examples. If you want any extra questions, click here and here.Once your have watched the video complete this quiz.  


Higher- Histograms 

You need to be able to draw a histogram and read information from a histogram. Watch the videos carefully and note down key points and examples. If you want more questions they can be found by clicking here and here. You must complete this  quiz.