Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Key Words Explained - 'Product of Prime Factors'

"Write 140 as a product of prime factors."

You've all seen this type of question before, and it's easy to forget what exactly these questions are asking you to do. But if you remember what each word means, you'll know it's asking you to 'split up' the number as far as you can using a factor tree, and then write your answer as a multiplication.

Product: A result of a multiplication
Prime: Only divisible by itself and 1
Factor: A number that divides or 'goes into' it without a remainder

Take a look at the video to brush up on how to answer this type of question.

Got the hang of it? Check your skills by writing these numbers as a product of prime factors:

1) 140

2) 88

3) 180

4) 135

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